
If I’m writing, I’m listening to music.

My father was a musician, and I’ve been playing the piano since I was three, so music blaring at home was a natural occurrence. Songs, make me feel a full spectrum of emotions and I’m sure that’s the truth for many people.

I always loved it when Whoopi Goldberg (Sister Mary Clarence), taught the kids in Sister Act II, about the word eclectic; it’s when I realized like the character, I to loved all types of music, no matter the genre. My playlists tend to be haphazard, though I think for those of you who have read my writing you may notice how certain songs have inspired particular scenes or emotions.


Waking to Black (Uninhibited #1) Playlist

Gallery - Waking

Fading to Black (Uninhibited #2) – Playlist

Fading to Black - Excerpt #2

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